My world is on fire, and I’m loving it; this exactly what I wanted. I’m Joao NM, a 17 y/o developer, entrepreneur & student, based in Singapore, and you’re reading my newsletter!
Quick summary of today’s newsletter:
🌯 The Wrap-Up
🧨 Minthouse Growth
🛫 ETHDenver & SF
🎤 TEDx
😵💫 Trying to Keep in Check
👀 Looking Forward
Principle for the coming month:
”Everything is figureoutable. Nothing is that complicated” -Maria Forleo
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🌯 The Wrap-Up
It’s been a crazy two months, with last minute passports, 16 hour flights and 3-layover journeys, contracts & conferences. If you’ve read my previous issue, you’ll know I spent December building great internal balance to set myself up to drive my work forward this year, and so far, I’ve done exactly that. A number of projects are underway, some awesome things are happening and I’m exciting - I now just need to make sure to not drop the ball. To add to all the fun, I’ve got some big exams too right now.
🧨 Minthouse Growth
Minthouse, my company, has started paving some tangible progress in contracts, invoices & meetings. Just recently actually we sent out our first Minthouse invoice & received our first ever client payment. The amount isn’t huge, but it’s definitely something, but more importantly is symbolic of things moving forward!
🛫 ETHDenver & SF
Over February, I flew out to Denver to attend ETHDenver, a web3 conference, and ended up getting covid (asymptomatic, luckily) which had me stuck in San Francisco for a week but that was more of a blessing than anything else!
Met awesome people work on really interesting things
Met clients & VCs in person, as well as a number of old & new friends!
During my week in SF, met some more awesome people (after testing negative)!
🎤 TEDx
The above tweet sums it up rather nicely I think - I got invited to speak at a TEDx here in Singapore which is awesome!
😵💫 Trying to Keep in Check
Entropy in any system always increases with time. Under high pressure, my usual systems & routines have been occasionally failing. This hasn’t immediately hindered my work, but I do recognise I have to be able to shape my systems around high execution, similar to levels I’m working at right now, and I don’t think I’m doing a good enough job at that. These systems & routines help me keep my mind & body growing, as well as be more organised about my work.
In my recent high pressure environments, as well as with travel which is highly disruptive to my routines, it’s been a little hard to stay on those, and that’s something I recognise and am actively working to correct.
👀 Looking Forward
As I mentioned above, over the next months I’ll be maintaining this kind of speed, but looking to better organise my work & time. I’m hoping to be speaking some more over the next few months, with a couple speaking opportunities I’m applying to, as well as some scholarship applications I’m filling out. On top of that, I’ve been actively growing the web3 community in Singapore and attending various meetups, hoping to eventually organise an ETHSingapore event sometime too! (probably in a few months time)
That’s today’s newsletter wrapped up! I’m extraordinarily excited about all the projects I’m working on, but also aware about making sure I keep my organisation in check. I give a lot of updates on my twitter about what I’m up to, and any major updates in any exciting projects of mine, and so be sure to follow me there if you’ve enjoyed this!
Any thoughts, feedback and questions are welcome, so feel free to drop me a line through any of my socials!
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